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Supersize your party with this marvel-ous room decoration!
Package includes 2 Marvel Heroes City Scape Scene Setters Room Rolls (1 for the top and 1 for the bottom of the scene); put both rolls together to make a cityscape theme (some overlapping between the rolls occurs so the total height on the rolls, when combined, is 7ft.).
5' Man at Door with Axe Door Cover
Anchors Aweigh Empty Favor Boxes (4 count)
40 Sucks Lollipops (5 count)
Glittered Foil Eyeglasses "40" Asst. (1 count)
Prismatic Awards Night Vest
Coffin Silverware Caddy (3 count)
Product 141/3790
We offer best price for 23' Marvel Heroes City Scape Room Rolls (2 count)