HeadbandDressCollarBeltThe big top belle clown costume will turn you into the cutie queen of the circus! The clown costume includes a colorful red polyester dress that slips on over the head. An elastic band with gold sequin fits around the chest and shoulders to create a comfortably, yet secure fit and two transparent straps fir over the shoulders. A white fluffy puff sits just below the sequin in the center of the chest. The sleeves are yellow and also feature an elastic band to keep the sleeves in place. A red overskirt with decorative rainbow colored bows and a gold trim hangs down on top of an underskirt. The underskirt is yellow with blue, red, green and orange polka dots and features a shiny gold trim. The skirt also contains a mesh lining with a structured hoop to give the skirt volume and shape. The belt is blue and ties around the waist while attaching to the top of the dress with an elastic band around the white puff on the dress. It features matching fluffy white puffs down the middle of the belt and contains a rainbow trim on the bottom. A ruffled polka dot collar fits around the neck with an elastic band. The final piece of the costume is a red headband with a colorful bow tie that matches the rainbow trims of the skirt. All the other clowns will be jealous of you as steal all the eyes in the crowd!
Headband |
Dress |
Collar |
Belt |
Big Top Belle Clown Costume