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As a "dolly" you'll have the "most" fun in this "radioactive" poodle skirt outfit.
We've searched all over for authentic Poodle Skirts that are quality-crafted and affordably priced. We're proud to present these top-of-the-line complete poodle skirt outfits - with everything you need for fifties parties, class reunions, or Halloween fun! The Complete Poodle Skirt Outfit includes: A turquoise skirt and white blouse with a black poodle, a white crinoline*, a black cinch belt, a turquoise chiffon scarf, white bobby socks with a poodle pin, and black cats-eye glasses.
Size Chart for Available Sizes:
Complete Poodle Skirt Outfit (Turquoise & White) Adult Costume
Girls Grease Poodle Skirt 50s Costume
Rizzo Adult Costume
Pink Dolls Jacket (Black) Adult Plus Costume
Pretty in Poodle Sexy Adult Costume
Deluxe Vampire Makeup Kit (Adult)
Product 17/82
We offer best price for Complete Poodle Skirt Outfit (Turquoise & White) Adult Costume