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As a "dolly" you'll have the "most" fun in this "radioactive" poodle skirt outfit.
We've searched all over for authentic Poodle Skirts that are quality-crafted and affordably priced. We're proud to present these top-of-the-line complete poodle skirt outfits - with everything you need for fifties parties, class reunions, or Halloween fun! The Complete Poodle Skirt Outfit includes: A turquoise skirt and white blouse with a black poodle, a white crinoline*, a black cinch belt, a turquoise chiffon scarf, white bobby socks with a poodle pin, and black cats-eye glasses.
Size Chart for Available Sizes:
Complete Poodle Skirt Outfit Plus (Pink & White) Adult Costume
Printed Jacket "Pink Dolls" Adult Costume
Sexy 50s Hot Rod Honey Costume
Danny Deluxe Grease T-Bird Costume Jacket
Kids 50s Greaser Jacket Costume
Frenchie Adult Costume
Product 17/82
We offer best price for Complete Poodle Skirt Outfit (Turquoise & White) Adult Costume