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A greater topiarist, there never was!
No one could trim hedges like Edward! An unlikely hero, but a hero, nevertheless; Edward Scissorhands has been an all-time Halloween favorite since 1990! And why not go all out by wearing the Grand Heritage edition of this classic costume? After all, the world needs more heros like Edward! Your costume includes the unforgettable jacket and pants made from pleather, and includes all the fantastic belts and buckles that give Edward that strapped together and bound look. You also receive the special scissor gloves, main belt, the famously messy black wig and makeup kit; all specifically designed for this costume. And remember, you have that certain 'je ne sais quoi' that drives the ladies wild, so go get 'em Edward!
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Product 897/2219
We offer best price for Grand Heritage Edward Scissorhands Adult Costume