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These shoes are only meant for the naughtiest of nurses!
Every sexy nurse needs a sexy way to walk to her patients, so complete your look with these hot heels! The Medic Adult Shoes include a pair of 4" black and red chunky shoes with a cross on the front and back and a triple ankle strap.
Remember, even Cinderella had to try on her shoes! Please make sure that your shoes fit and are comfortable before you use them. Shoes that show obvious wear or are missing the original packaging are not returnable.
Gogo (Gold) Adult Boots
Bride (White) Adult Shoes
Tea Party Tease Adult Boot Cuffs
Splendor (Black) Adult Boots
Cutie (Blue) Adult Shoes
Arrest Shoes Adult
Product 225/398
We offer best price for Medic (Black/Red) Adult Shoes