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Dig in with these canines!
These fangs may have already had their taste of warm blood for the evening, but once you start you just can't stop. Features bright, wet-looking blood tips available in Classic and Small. New Simulated "Blood-Tipped" Fangs customize to your teeth with non-toxic snap-fitting dental material. Be careful not to get customizing material on the blood-tips! All-inclusive Skull Box kit comes with powder, liquid and combo mixing/carry case to fit your fangs on the spot in as little as 10 minutes. Excellent fit and easy to use (blood tip requires gentle use, may wear or chip off). Pair with any of our vampire or vampiress costumes to complete your blood-sucking ensemble.
Meat Hook Weapon
Animal Attack Tattoos
Everlasting Kiss Makeup Kit
Hollywood Gel Blood, 1 Oz.
Don Post Large Gash
Zombie Blood Spray
Product 43/61
We offer best price for Small Blood Tip Fangs