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A cold-blood reptilian species from Star Trek, the original series!
They look like lizard-people, but they are intelligent, sentient beings, so do not underestimate them! Be a classic character from the original Star Trek series when you wear this deluxe overhead latex Gorn mask! Sculpted features, comfortable fit and authentic design will make this mask a hit at your next event.
To customize your mask for personal comfort, please review the following instructions:
KISS Starchild Latex Full Mask With Hair Adult
Hannibal Lector Half Face Mask
Slipknot 133 Mask
Skull Cap Mask
Shrek The Third Donkey Overhead Mask
Predator Dlx Mask w/Removable Faceplate
Product 316/422
We offer best price for Star Trek Classic Gorn Deluxe Overhead Latex Mask Adult